With the entry into force of the Public Sector Contracts Law (9/2017) the obligation to use electronic means is incorporated in all administrative procurement procedures, including the submission of offers by companies bidders
The Public Procurement Services Platform (PSCP) incorporates among its available functionalities , the online submission of tenders for minor procurement, negotiated procedures without advertising, contracts based on framework agreement and the new abbreviated simplified procedure. In addition, to comply with that obligation and offer companies the possibility of electronic submission of their offers in procedures that require a complex solution , the Technical Secretariat of the Consultative Board of Administrative Contracting, together with the ICT area of the Department of Economics, has developed the " Digital Envelope 2.0" , as a web tool integrated with the PSCP, the application of which was approved by ORDER VEH/172/2017, of July 25, of approval of the applications of the Public Procurement Services Platform and the digital envelope.
The AOC, as it has been doing with other recruitment services offered by the Generalitat, accompanies the implementation of the Digital Envelope in the areas of the local world and universities. The aforementioned services are included with the registration to the Public Procurement Services Platform, free of charge.