In order to make the modification, you must be identified in PSCP with a digital certificate and validator role . The file openings have a special treatment to allow them to be edited and published at different times without having to make an amendment.

In the case of the configuration of the dates of the files enabled for the submission of proposals through Digital Envelope, it must not be done by means of an amendment to the tender announcement . It is necessary to modify and Save the date of opening of files in the Digital Envelope Management tab. This action will automatically publish an amendment to the contractor's profile, which is identified with the image of an envelope and the reason for the amendment "Opening of envelopes", as shown in the screenshot below:

The date of opening of envelopes in the settings of digital envelopes can be changed as many times as necessary. If the envelopes have already been opened, the envelope opening date must not be changed because the opened envelope documentation can be accessed through the opening tool.